Sep 17, 2009

Too many thoughts - Sleep, anyone?

Song of the Day:
"Kjære fru Ottar" - Klovner i Kamp

Beer makes the world a better place. Or, it makes my head think the world is a better place, at least. And it makes for good company when gaming.
And I've been playing a good old game I really enjoy; Dark Chronicle.

It's not really that late, and I'm not really tired, but I've got an important meeting in the morning so I need to get my ass to bed. As much as I would like to continue this way of life where I ignore that there's a world outside my home, I really can't keep this up. I need to try and snap out of this miserable state that I'm in and focus on better things, and move on with my life. Even though I honestly don't want to right now..

I had hoped that this week would bring me better things, but as the weekend is closing in and life is still as shitty as it was last week, I'm more or less giving up on that hope. I really can't see any bright spots ahead of me at all. Yes, I know I am whining a lot, and drowning myself in self-pity, I'm not that much of an idiot that I can't see how much of an idiot I am, but right now I'm just really down. I gotta crawl out of this hole I'm in before I can see anything good, and at the moment I just don't have the energy or will to do any crawling. I'm just gonna stay in this hole for a while.

I've got that meeting in the morning, and then I might get a visit from an old friend (who's also an ex of mine), so tomorrow might be worth getting out of bed for. The weekend.. I don't know. I really don't want to think about it, to be honest. And on monday, I've got work and a visit to the doctor's to see if I can get some tests done. Yeah.. There's a chance I might be sick. Very sick. So I need to get checked up to see if I am. And even if I'm not, I might need to get regular check-ups for the next couple of years to see if I'm still all good or if I've gotten sick. Really a bright spot, eh? Well, worst case scenario; I die. But, I don't really think there's any chance of that. Even if I am sick, there are good chances of getting cured, so no real worries there. I'll be alright.

Either way, it's not the worst thing that could happen to me anyway.
At least not right now it isn't.

Well.. I better get my ass into bed. Or, rather, on the couch. I don't have a bed, only a sleeping couch. But I've taken a liking to it, as it's comfortable and easy to switch from couch to bed and back again. And I like sleeping in the living-room. And now I'm babbling. Yeah.. Sleep might be a good thing right now. I probably need it.


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