Sep 19, 2009

Dust settles - Cities turn to Sand

Song of the Day:
"Come Along" - Titiyo

Went shopping today, and brought back home a rather large bag of new stuff. I've never really been too fond of shopping, especially when it comes to clothes, but I got a couple of things I kind of needed and really wanted, so I can't complain. And it was nice being out of the apartment for a while. I suppose I needed it.

But I am feeling like shit today. So effin' depressed that I would like to take a small moment to find something hard and deadly to hit myself over the head repeatedly with. I seriously hate being this depressed. Can't even remember the last time I was this down. It really hurts...

I guess this means more beer and playstation tonight, and this time I've got pizza as well. Maybe that'll keep my mind off things for a while.

I hope so, at least.


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