Sep 17, 2009

The Gamers - Once a Gamer, Always a Gamer

I've just spent the entire first half of the day in bed watching The Gamers 2; Dorkness Rising. I laughed my head off through the entire thing. It's not as good as the first one, cause the original The Gamers will forever be the best gaming movie ever, but it wasn't as bad as people have told me. It was hilarious, and it introduced a female gamer. Gotta love gaming chicks.

The website of the people behind The Gamers. Certainly worth a visit. And the movies is a must to watch for every gamer out there. I am definitely saving up to buy both the movies on DVD, cause they NEED to be in my gaming collection.

But man, watching TG2;DR made me want to roleplay again. I haven't played D&D in ages, and I haven't been a proper player myself in years. I've been DMing so much, I've almost forgotten what it's like to be a regular player. I gotta see if I can put together a D&D party somehow, so I can do some real gaming again. Once a gamer, always a gamer. I'm starting to get withdrawals here!

Anyway, it was good to have something to laugh at. I originally planned to just stay in bed all day and do nothing but feel sorry for myself, but I feel a bit better now so I think I'll get up and go do some shopping. I suppose I have to dare venture into the area of dinner-making, and for that I need stuff to make dinner off. But, let's face it; I'll always be a worthless idiot in the kitchen. And now that I've been dumped, I don't have a beautiful girlfriend that can make me dinner anymore. Dang.

Where's those damned pants of mine..?


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